Futurize is a crowd funding platform like no other. We are a community.

We deliver 100% of the money into the hands of transparent eco-oriented projects right when the projects on the ground need it.

Your impact is amplified

   Your voice is heard

Your effect is real


We stand for the millions of grass-root organizations ready to deliver impact right now.

Do you want to make an impact starting today?

Be part of the Futurize community
and make a difference!


Stronger, faster and smarter together

 We heard you – you're tired of feeling like you can’t make a difference.
We are connecting you with the people and organizations who are ready for impact and change, right now.

No fees
Full transparency

You have the right to know where your money goes and the difference it's making to the world you live in.
If you decide to contribute with your money, we guarantee 100% of your contribution to go towards the project you choose.
Transparency is key, we’re harnessing cutting edge and energy efficient blockchain technology so you can track and ensure good use of the funds.


See how your environmental projects are progressing. Perhaps you might want to share the good you’re doing with family and friends.
You never know – you might inspire them to join you...how cool would that be!