Frequently asked questions


Q: I'm concerned about the environment but why should I support projects on

A: Futurize guarantees that 100% of your contribution reaches the project you want to support.

Our policy of full transparency ensures Project Managers disclose up front, what your contribution will be spent on.

Because we want to make an impact fast, Futurize won't collect a fee from either party.

You are not alone, on Futurize you can engage and learn through community participation!

Have your say, you and the wider community will in time be given the right to help govern various features on the platform.

Q: Why should Project Managers look for funding through Futurize?

A: No Fees! Futurize is free for you to use

As a Project manager, you can engage with an active environmental community and increase your projects exposure.

Even after the funding period, the connection between the project and the community continues though our digital trading cards and in time the metaverse.

Q: Do you have access to the funds?

A: No we don't. The contributions are held in a Smart Contract which will only release the funds directly to the project manager when all agreed terms and conditions are met.

Q: As a contributor, do I get a shareholding of the project I support?

A: No, your contribution will help deliver the project you chose to support which will help drive meaningful environmental change.

Q: What technology do you use?

A: utilizes Blockchain technology in many ways to deliver our key features.

Digital Tokens, will be minted (produced) on the Blockchain which is a common and very popular means of delivering digital ownership and control to an asset, contract or process.

A Smart Contract (digital contract) is used to provide an immutable, transparent means of managing funds and allowing community governance without Futurize having custody of the funds at any time.

Q: I have heard blockchains are not environmentally friendly?

A: Some blockchains are not considered environmentally friendly but others are very efficient and use less energy than a Visa transaction. At the moment, Futurize uses Polygon, a Layer 2 blockchain committed to become carbon negative by 2022.

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